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YOLANDA ARANDA GONZALVO, Hiden Analytical Ltd., UKInvestigation of a capacitively coupled atmospheric pressure RF excited glow discharge in He-water mixtures by molecular beam mass spectrometry
NIKOLA ŠKORO, University of Belgrade, Serbia
DC breakdown in water vapour at low pressures
MASARU HORI, Nagoya University, Japan
Novel approach for the interpretation of etching characteristics based on internal parameters employing combinatorial plasma process
"Liquid" nonequilibrium plasma generation in water by pulsed nanosecond discharge
SHINYA IWASHITA, Ruhr University, Germany
Control of nano-block transport using amplitude modulated pulse rf discharges
YURI AKISHEV, SRC RF Triniti, Russia
Microdischarges in steady-state dbd: avalanche gas breakdown or plasma constriction?
MARKO HUEBNER, INP Greifswald e.V., Germany
Application of a multi stage packed-bed reactor for destruction of volatile organic compounds under atmospheric conditions