The William Crookes' Prize
At the 19th ESCAMPIG the International Scientific Committee (ISC) established the William Crookes' prize, to be awarded to a mid-career researcher, between 10 and 20 years after PhD or the equivalent qualification, who has been judged to have made major contributions in one or more of the areas covered by ESCAMPIG.The prize is co-sponsored by the European Physical Society and Institute of Physics Publishing. The award will be €1,000 and a diploma along with hotel accommodation and waived fees to attend the ESCAMPIG at which the award will be presented.
The selection panel consisted of the previous winner, the Chair of the ESCAMPIG ISC and two other members the ISC. The two members was selected by the ISC after the nominations have been received to ensure that they have no direct connection with any of the nominees.
On behalf of the ESCAMPIG International Steering Committee we are pleased to announce that the 2010 William Crookes Prize has been won by Dr. Zoltan Donko, for his major contributions to the understanding of the effect of elementary processes on the properties of gas discharges and strongly coupled plasmas. Among other scientific achievements Zoltan Donko was the principal organizer of a very successful XV ESCAMPIG in Lillafured in 2000 and a member of the ESCAMPIG ISC.
Prize diploma
Poster Prize
EPS Grants' Committee agreed to grant the XX ESCAMPIG one Poster Prize to make an award to a student who has presented the best poster at the conference. Amount of the EPS Poster Prize is 500 EUR.Terms of Poster prize competition:
- The prize will be given for a poster presented by PhD student (defined by student registration). The poster must be prepared by the student.
- The conference organizer is responsible for advertising and judging of posters and the awards ceremony.
- To nominate participating student for the award write to LOC. The nominations will close on July 13th.
On behalf of the ESCAMPIG Local Organizing Committee we are pleased to announce that the 2010 ESCAMPIG Poster Prize has been won by PhD student Mario Merino-Martínez, from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. Awarded poster can be viewed here.
Prize diploma