Topical Lectures
ANE AANESLAND, EPS Invited Speaker, Ecole Polytechnique, FranceInductively coupled electronegative plasmas applied to space propulsion
PETER BRUGGEMAN, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Diagnostics of plasmas in and in contact with liquids
SAŠA DUJKO, University of Belgrade, Serbia
A multi-term Boltzmann Equation analysis of charged particle transport properties in electric and magnetic fields in gases
KARI NIEMI, Queens University Belfast, UK
Absolute concentrations of atomic radicals in cold atmospheric pressure plasmas
NEVENA PUAČ, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Diagnostics and applications of high frequency discharges in biomedical treatments and treatment of textiles
JAN VAN DIJK, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Modelling of Transport in Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Plasmas
FRANCESCO TACCOGNA, Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi, Italy
Modeling of negative ion souces
Large effects of small pressure changes in the kinetics of low pressure glow discharges