General information
The 20th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG XX) is organized by the Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia. The conference will take place in Novi Sad, Serbia, on July 13-17, 2010, beginning with a welcome reception on Tuesday evening, July the 13th and ending with a workshop on Saturday afternoon, July the 17th.The ESCAMPIG conference focuses on topics that range from atomic and molecular processes in plasmas and plasma-surface interaction to self-organization in plasmas or to the new research lines with low and high pressure plasma sources. Research in natural plasmas such as space plasmas and the emerging research field of discharge plasmas in the Earth upper atmosphere are also covered.
Conference Format
The Conference will feature invited general (45 min, including discussion) and topical lectures (30 min, including discussion), poster sessions and two workshops (with one workshop being extended after the end of the conference). Some contributed papers covering relevant issues will be selected by the ISC for the section "Hot Topics" and authors will be asked to give a short oral presentation (15 min including discussion). Contributors wishing to evidence their own paper for "Hot Topics" selection are asked to indicate it in the abstract submission form. There will be no parallel sessions."William Crookes" prize is to be awarded to a mid-career researcher who has been judged to have made major contributions in one or more of the areas covered by ESCAMPIG. The prize is co-sponsored by the ESCAMPIG 2010 local committee, the European Physical Society (EPS) and Plasma Sources Science and Technology. The award will be € 1,000 and a diploma along with hotel accommodation and waived fees to attend ESCAMPIG 2010 where the award will be presented.